Thursday, 27 February 2025

February not as Great as I hoped...

 Hello once again!

 So I had planned to get SO MUCH DONE in the month of February!!!!

...That did not happen.  Turns out what I decided to paint was much harder than I thought.  So with that said...

Five Inner Circle Arc Knights of Averland!  Bodyguard of House Leitdorf.

Now this unit has been base coated and sitting in a box since 2008.  I had taken them to a tournament, the last tournament for Warhammer Fantasy I had gone too, back then.  I came in 3rd with the plans of finishing this unit.

Of course I instead but them in a box and forgot about them.  However now they are done!  Now just to get a movement tray for them.  Also figure out how to get them glued to the horses.  So far I'm using sticky tack as their legs keep getting into the way.  Oh well, we shall see.

So I guess for February I only managed 5 models.  Hopefully more next month! 


Tuesday, 11 February 2025

January Painting! What the Hell did I do?

Hello once again!

So end of the month and time to look at what I managed to get done.  Granted, due to some sickness and general real life getting in the way...not as much as I would have liked.  HOWEVER!  I still got stuff done so lets take a look!

First lets start with this piece of Dungeon terrain.  The Rack!  I have a pile of blisters that I decided I need to get through so here's just one I got done.  But along with this...

One Iron Maiden and two Mines for my Kill Team.  The Iron Maiden was easy enough, mostly just wash and drybrush.  The Mines were the last two pieces for my Kill Team box.  So that is 100% done!

Now what else did I finish?

3 Osgiliath Veterans!  I know, I haven't painted any Lord of the Rings models in a good long while.  But I had bought these and decided to just get them done ASAP.  So, here they are!

Now for an update on my Empire army...

These are my Knights I would have painted back in 2005, when I had just started getting into Warhammer.  Honestly, these were a pretty simplistically done and not super great but were a good base coat. Now however...

My Arc Knights of Averland!  Beyond the banner it was all mostly just washes and highlights.  Its kinda tough to Highlight metal but I did my best and here we are.

So in total I managed to paint/repaint 12 models.  Not much but a great start!

- Commodus

Sunday, 5 January 2025

End of the Year! What I finished, What shall I do in 2025?

Hello once again all!

So this year has been really hot and cold when it has come to painting.  When I was on a roll I was on a ROLL!!!  But that also lead to months of idle not painting.  Despite all that however I did manage to get quite a lot painted this year.  Much more than last year!  So lets take a quick look at the last stuff I painted this year.

10 man Phobos marine Kill Team!

Pretty much all my hobby time has been put to getting this unit done.  One of the first "Buy than immediately paint" project I have done in a good long while.

So with these 10 done its time to tally up my model for the year.....

107 Model painted in 2024!  Well that is a MUCH better result than last year!  But I still have so much to go.

What project will I start this year?  Will I focus fire on my Empire army now that its being released for Old World?  Will I get some board games out of the way?  Who knows!  Stay tuned to find out


Saturday, 16 November 2024

November Painting DASH!

 Hello once again all!

So I'd thought I'd just share something I have been working on in the background.  Over the Summer while I wasn't painting all that much I have been collecting.  Specifically a Dwarf army!

Now this army was suppose to be a 6th Edition all Metal Dwarf army.  But after some calculations I determined I CAN make it an Old World army....soooo

The Great Throng of Karak Azul!  Lead by King Kazador himself!

Now I know its not painted...Well mostly not painted, but it is in good enough condition that I CAN game with it.  Now I know I was going to do a Wood Elf army but this inspired me much more so I went all in.

Here are the first 6 Dwarf Longbeards.  I'd say they came out pretty well!  Super easy to paint too.  These were mostly test models for the colour scheme.  Karak Azul doesn't really have a specific colour scheme from anything I can find in the Wiki.  However Total War: Warhammer 3 Wiki has a Blue/Gold colours they use for it so I went that route.

So 6 more models in the done pile....but now I'm skipping off to another project before coming back to this one.  I hope to have it done pretty quickly (It's only going to be 10 models anyway)  Then who knows!

- Commodus

Tuesday, 5 November 2024

Summer is at an End....time to PAINT

 Hello once again all!

Summer is now over, Autumn is in the air.  It is starting to get colder....which means its now cool enough to basecoat!  So as always I spent my Summer months doing anything else than be hunched over a paint desk in my horribly humid house.

Now it is time to how off just a little of what I have been working on in my spare time.  So without further ado...

30 Flagellants with a Prophet of Doom!

I'd been planning this unit for a good long while. Over the summer when I was not painting I was all over Ebay trying to find the Minis I was missing to complete the unit.  Now it is here.

I retired my old Warrior Priest and made him a Prophet of Doom as his esthetic matched the Flagellants much better that any other model.  I put a Banner bearer in the unit because this unit can dual use for Old World and not just 6th Edition.

Well 30 more models done after a long, lazy summer.  Whats next?  Wait and see!


Tuesday, 4 June 2024

February Schmebruary

Hello once again all!

So I had initially planned on posting this update back in February...heck I even started to with the title!  But I got distracted....mostly due to travel.  However in the proceeding months I managed to get a bunch of painting done.  So while I was quiet, I was not Idle!

So without further ado....

One Griffon Mech for Battletech!.  I actually have a small pile of Battletech minis I want to get done.  This one is my test scheme for the Crescent Hawks.  It came out okay mostly, I had an issue with the base coating from a white primer I was using to Zenithal the model with.  Probably wont use that spray bottle again, but I was able to strip it and start over.  Hopefully my next mech wont be as bad.

One piece of Warcry Terrain!  I had bought this as a separate sprue online almost 2 years ago and I figured I'd just get it done.  Painted entirely with craft paint and homemade wash.  Very happy with how it came out...even though I lost a piece and had to make one to replace it (Maybe you can tell which piece I lost!).

5 Oathmark Skeletons!  I most bought a sprue on a whim and decided I didn't want to add to my pile so I built and painted them right away.  They are good models but they are a little spindly so be careful when gluing them together!  But fun and easy to paint, do recommend!

So now next up...

One Dog of War Mercenary Cannon!  I've had this idea floating in my head for awhile as I have an unopened 7th edition starter set sitting in my hobby space.  While I have a Dwarf army technically....its specifically all metal so I have no room for these plastic Dwarfs.  So I decided to grab some spare models and kitbash a DoW cannon painted in my mercenary colours.  Overall fun to paint!

Go go along with that however....

Another Engineer!  Added once more to the pile.  I was honestly intimidated by this model.  I base coated it last year this time and its just bee sitting there, staring at me mockingly....but now he's done!  I do have one more Engineer I need to get done....maybe two (We shall see!).

And now for some fun...

RATS!  I decided to pound out a pile of Skaven.  6 Stormvermin, 3 Clanrats, a Gutter runner and a Plague Monk.  Just more to added to my Warhammer Skirmish team.

And lastly...

One Manticore for D&D!  I plan on adding this bad boy to my Gnoll Warband as a monster they control.  Also for generic D&D purposes he's on a larger base as he's an important villain for my campaign.  Overall I'm happy with him although I wish the skin was slightly better.

So 24 models painted in the last few months.  Added to my total I have managed 61 models for the year so far!  Happy with my progress and hope to get more done soon!

Until Next time!

- Commodus

Friday, 9 February 2024

2024! Lets get started.

Hello once again all!

I'm back once again.  The weather is cold and I got no place to go....which means painting!  So I started off this year with a few projects I want to finally get here it goes!

My General!  Commodus Leitdorf!  The Last Elector of Averland.  He's been technically painted this whole time, but he was always kind of flat. So I washed and highlighted him and am VERY happy with how he came out.  The yellow came out nice and bright and not patchy like many other models.

Now for something that has been half done for about 10 years now...

30 Empire Swordsmen!  Yeah these guys have been half painted since around 2013-2014.  Just never got around to finishing them up.  Now they are done! Now to just show them off with their detachments.

Finally glad to get this unit out of the way so I can get other things done....

6 Pistoliers!  Now mind you I had painted the unit champion last technically only 5 were painted...and even then it was mostly a refresh with washes and shading.  But it worked!  All done!

Now for one more....

One Grey Wizard!  This one has been sitting around almost as much as my Swordsmen.  But now he is done and ready for the battlefield!

So 37 models is a great way to start the year....going forward I may have other stuff in the works...

Stay tuned!

- Commodus