Wednesday 10 June 2020

June is here! Omg I Haven't Painted in Awhile...

Hello all!

Well I'm back!  sadly with not much to really report...Lets just say I had a "Home emergency" and had to spend all my free painting time dealing with that.  However I thought I'd share what little I managed to paint in the last 2 months since I posted.

So just to help get back in the swing of things.

One Realmgate!  That makes the models I painted in the last 2 months...1 model.  Yeah painting hasn't been a priority for obvious reasons.  But I don have more stuff in the pipe.  But for now my yearly total sits at 51 models.

Now I also picked up some stuff which is against m,y "no buy" rule...but still.

Got a new game board to play with and terrain to paint!

Until then!
