Hello Everyone!
Another month gone and...not a whole lot of painting happening either. Summer + Painting = Not happening. At least for me at any rate. But that doesn't mean I haven't been busy!
I have a pretty full painting table with half-started minis, stuff I base coated to paint but just...never did. As well as half built projects I have waiting around. So for the last few weeks since my last update I have been building stuff and getting my to paint pile ready to go.
Lets take a look!

So Its a mix of 5th Edition plastics with metal arms, 6th Edition Starter set Handgunners and 7th to AoS plastic Freeguild Hangunners. Also one Militia/Mordheim dude in the back. I got to say, those arms are annoying to get on. Behind that are 5 plastic Pistoliers I got cheap and added a bunch of bits too from my bits box. On either side a Magister and a Metal Ogre Maneater for my Mawtribe are all ready to be based!

And here we have... a bunch of stuff half done. Not even sure I'll do these first! I still have a bunch of other stuff to put together. I do want the Nurgle army completed once I figure out whats going in it!
So my monthly total stays the same for now at 59 models for the year....but I have so much coming up! Stay tuned!