Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Progress so far...

Hello all!

I'd thought I'd show you some stuff I'd been working on, so here it is!

I managed to finish painting one of my Leadbelchers, a piece of terrain and a Skeleton Warrior from the Bones Kickstarter.  I decided to interject random mini in while I paint my Ogres in order to break up the monotony.  

So one Ogre down, 6 more to complete the unit!

Monday, 14 September 2015

Operation: Against the Ogre Horde!

Hello all!

Okay so I've started working on my Ogre army.  I had started building it about 3 years ago partially as joke.  I had a bunch of old metal Ogres from the 90's (and I think some 80's) that I had initially planned on using for a Dogs of War Mercenary army.  However Games Workshop completely canned Dogs of War (Boooo) and I was left with a bunch of models and no army I could use them for.

That being said I also had most of a box of Ogre Bulls I had bought to use as unit fillers in my Empire Army (as can be seen below)

 photo 100_0047.jpg

So with a unit of old metal Golgfags Maneaters and a few others lying around I decided to add some of the other Plastic Ogres to the pile...this build up slowly took shape and eventually lead to an army idea of mixing older Metal Ogres with newer plastic to make a somewhat unique Ogre army.  My Goal now is to finish this army by the end of the year.  It's been awhile since I've had a completely painted army and I want this project to be my top priority!

First Goal: Complete Ogre Leadbelchers

This is my main goal, complete this unit of Leadbelchers!  Now you'll notice I'm missing one, that's because I'm still looking for just the right bit to complete this unit (and, as you can imagine, that Helblaster is part of it).

Wish me luck!


Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Hello everyone, welcome to my blog!

What;s the point of all this?  Well my main reason for starting this blog is to help motivate me to get all the stuff I have lying around painted.  The main goal is to complete my main armies

  1. Ogre Kingdoms
  2. Empire
  3. Bones Miniatures
The Ogre and Empire are the two main goals at completing at the moment.  As for the Bones miniatures, many of them are mostly for my D&D campaign that I hope to get going in the next few months.

Another goal of this blog is to help my painting skills.  To try new techniques and to paint all the things that have intimidated me up to this point.  Hopefully I'll be able to stick with this longer then I have other plogs and painting challenges....wish me luck!
