Tuesday, 24 December 2019

December Almost Done! What did I paint?

Hello Everyone!

So the year is creeping to a close.  Despite this however, the long painting war continues against the horde on my desk.  While I didn't buckle down and force myself to pound out a bunch of stuff like I had planned, I did manage one.

Yes one model this month, not much but December is filled with social engagements and mild colds caused by people around me.  You cannot escape the germs!

With that said however, lets take a look at what I finished!

One Freeguild General all painted up and ready to go!  I've had this model for awhile but was never sure what to do with him.  I really didn't want to add him to my Averland army for Warhammer Fantasy and when the Cities of Sigmar book got rid of all Freeguild General models, except the one with the Zweinhander, I figured I could get use out of him.

With this guy done that take my model total for 2019 to 103!  That's a record for me...as far as I can tell.  I've never really tracked any of that before this year.

Now I'm not sure if I will have time to get anything else done, but lets take a look at whats next on my table.

One Battlemage for my Freeguild and a 3D printed Otyugh I picked up at a convention.  I hope to at least try to get them done before the new year.

Until next time all!


Thursday, 5 December 2019

November Done! Am I at 100 yet?

Hello once again all!

So November came and went and I did not paint no where near as much as I would have liked.  But I did get SOMETHING done!  I had a week off to work on it and I only got 25% of what I wanted done, done.  But I did manage to finish a unit.

So Without further ado!

A complete 10 man unit for my Cities of Sigmar army!  Ready to lead the forces of the Averholme out to battle!

Okay they took much longer then I intended mostly because I forgot how annoying painting these metal minis was.  Despite that however, they are now done!  So, not including the one model I painted as a test I can add 9 more minis to my complete pile taking my total for the year to 102 Models!

I broke 100!  and I still have most of December to spare!  Guess I'll have to keep adding to my Cities of Sigmar army...

One Freeguild General in the Pipeline!

Stay tuned!


Monday, 4 November 2019

October! Painting rather slowly...so much so that it's November

Hello all!

So I'm back with more painting to show off.  I managed to start some other stuff sitting on my desk but only managed to finish one project.  So without further ado...

To start we have my test model for my Cities of Sigmar army.  I decided I wanted a different colour scheme to make my own city...The AVERHOLME!  While yellow and black, my Averland colours are what is used by the Greywater Fastness (The City I intend to use), I wanted to mix up the colour a bit as I've been painting yellow and black since I started the hobby.

and since we are talking Yellow and Black...

I finally finished painting the crew of my Volley gun for my 8th edition/9th age army.  I don't have a dedicated Volley gun for the Averholme yet...but it will be coming in due time!

So with all the models I painted last month I can add 8 more to my total of 93!  I'm almost at 100 with still 2 months to go.  I should be able to break 100...maybe even 120!  We shall see how this month goes.

For now, lets look at my WIP

4 more Greatswords and several Orcs I have waiting on the side to complete.  Until next update!


Friday, 18 October 2019

October! I'm Painting! Seriously!

Hello Everyone!

So I'm back with another update.  I probably should have done it sooner but I have been inordinately busy and haven't had much of a chance...until now!

So the new Free Cities book is out and I WILL be making an army, but before I do I want to be sure I have my proper groove on.  So lets take a look at some more minis I painted recently to get back in the swing of things!

Three PC's for my most recent D&D campaign and a Reaper Bones Griffon!  I am really happy with how the griffon came out.  I was able to practice some wash and drybrush techniques on him.  The Character minis I'm less fond of.

I certainly like the Nolzur D&D mini line.  However they are 28mm but not Heroic, so the features are more proportional and smaller.  I'm not so good a painter that I can pick them off without messing up the whole model.  The face on the sorcerer is hard to see and the same with the Tiefling.

I mean both are fine when playing in a dimly lit room playing D&D.  Bah!  I will just have to practice more.

So next up!  Cities of Sigmar!


Thursday, 3 October 2019

October! Lets get Spooky!

Hello once again all!

So, again, not much to report as I spent most of the last month running around Azeroth.  However I have decided to get back in the swing of things as I do want to hit 100 models painted for the year.

Now with that said lets take a look at the one mini I managed to paint last month:

A Reaper Bones Roper!  I planned on painting him up for a D&D campaign encounter.  But my players managed to get to him and kill him before I managed to finish painting him...so now he shall wait on my shelf until they encounter ANOTHER Roper.

So that takes my painted mini total to 85!  I'm SO close to getting to 100.  Now I just have to focus on finishing up 3 more Player Character D&D minis all the while working on another project...

Cities of Sigmar comes out this Saturday and I plan on getting it ASAP.  In the mean time I am working on building a Cities army...although I don't know what I want to put in it yet.  I have a pile of minis I can use, but I still can't finalize it all until I get the book.

Until then all!


Thursday, 12 September 2019

September! Get ready to Naruto run to Victory

Hello Everyone!

Well its been one month (almost) since my last update and I gotta say...I have painted exactly ZERO models!

So my current mini count stays the same for now.  I have been mostly pre-occupied with journeying through Azeroth in Classic WoW.  So my actual hobby time is taken up running from Centaurs in the Barrens.

I did however manage to get at least one thing done in the last 30 days so I guess I'll show that off.

Completed bases for my Stormcast!  So I finally have a 1000pt list for my Stormcast as well as 99% of the minis I need to complete it.  I am just missing one character model, but he can wait.  My main goal right now to to complete building what I have, base it and get ready to play!

So, small update today.  More in the future!

Until then!


Wednesday, 14 August 2019

August Here! Late Update Incoming...

Hello Everyone!

Okay, wow.  Almost half the month gone and no update!  I mean I know it's the summer and I tend to get lazy but that is bad given my recent record of updating this blog this year.

Now I will admit I have not really painted all that much this last month.  Mostly just grabbing stuff half-painted on my desk and finishing it up.  So with that in mind lets take a look at what I managed to do for the month of July!

Three Cannon crew, a Swordsman and an Orc Bully!  The Cannon itself I painted...jeez years ago.  I have it somewhere on my blog but the crew have been sitting there waiting to be finished....and here they are!

Now these Empire troops all come from my old Empire army I started way back in 6th edition. In fact these minis were painted already.  As I got better at painting I realized my old stuff was...well terrible.  So I've decided to create a new 1000pt army list and re-paint/complete my Empire army fully.  So to start these crew and the lone Swordsman are my first step toward that.

Now, with that said, my Empire troops will need an opponent.  So I guess I'll have to get 1000pts of Orcs and Goblins done too.  I've had that Bully based and waiting on my desk for awhile as well so I practiced my Orc paint scheme on it and it came out good too!

These minis, along with the terrain I built earlier this month means  I have painted 7 more model for a total of 84 minis for the year 2019!

Now, with the weather still nice I'm not sure how much I will get done this month...but I'm prepping

Oh I am prepping indeed!

Till next time!


Monday, 22 July 2019

July! Doing more Terrain!

Hello Everyone!

So I'm back and ready to talk about what I've been working on!  So it's been hot...like, really hot.  So I've been both outside and unable to base coat anything new due to real...and I mean REAL bad humidity!  So I had some other stuff sitting around that I was able to finish.

So without further ado!

So scratch built house is done.  for a first attempt at something like this (okay...maybe second attempt).  I like how it came out.  I feel I need to work on stonework as I clearly did not manage to get it to "pop" as much as I would of liked.  But I'm still very happy with the results.  Now I do need to test it on Polystyrene next.

Now for something slightly more...expensive.

One Ophidian Archway!  I bought this about a month ago and I figured I had better at least try to paint what I buy asap so I don't continue to add to the pile.  So one archway done!  I have a bunch of other terrain piling up that I want to get through that I will probably work on next.

Stay tuned!


Monday, 15 July 2019

July! WIP and other stuff too!

Hello all!

So I haven't really gotten around to paint all that much, but I have gotten to work on my favorite summer past time..Terrain!

So my main goal is to build a tiny town square worth of buildings.  I already have one ruined building in my collection, but I also want a building I can use for D&D to make a village square.  So using basic techniques taken from a bunch of random Youtube videos, I got to work.

So using foam-core, cardboard, balsa wood and white glue I got to work.  Slowly over the course of a few weeks I put together this small town house.

It's amazing what you can do with a little white glue and junk you find in your local recycling bin and a few dollar store items.  So now I have to seal it with Modge Podge and get to painting!

Wish me luck!


Saturday, 6 July 2019

July is Here! What shall I paint...

Hello everyone!

Well June came and went and I didn't really paint all that much.  Once the weather starts getting nice, hanging out in my humid apartment isn't all that enjoyable.  I did manage to get some painting done over the course of the month as it did rain a few days.

So let us see what I finished off my paint table!

The last two miniatures i needed to paint for my mini D&D campaign.  A Tiefling Rogue (Which is being used as a Tiefling Ranger)  and a Half-Orc Barbarian.  I do like these Nolzur mini's but I do have 2 criticisms of them.

1.  They have terrible mold lines
2.  They have a lot of tiny detail

The two problems sort of compound each other.  The mold lines cover the detail and removing them could damage the detail.  They are difficult to deal with but, overall, for 6 dollar miniatures I can't really complain too much.

With that said and done my adventuring party went from this

To this!

So with these done, and not counting terrain, I only painted 3 minis all last month for a grand yearly total of 77 miniatures!  Not too shabby so far.

So with that said it's time to move on to other summer projects which are in various states of done right now.  I'll hopefully have an update on that soon.  For now lets see what I have on my desk right now.

This right here is the third model I ever bought/painted.  He's been my Empire army wizard since I started gaming back in 2004.  I would say I did an okay job with him but through the years he has become chipped and damaged.  I figured, as I use his mounted version in AoS, I'd strip him and repaint him for AoS as well.

We'll see when I can get around to doing that!


Monday, 24 June 2019

It's a Cruel Summer....So Here's some Terrain!

Hello everyone!

Well its been a bit of a break as the weather...somewhat got better.  Honestly Its been mostly that I just straight wasn't in the mood to paint, but now I am!  I have several half-painted/prepped terrain that I have been working on to help extend my terrain collection.

So lets see what I managed to finish!

Some old Lord of the Rings terrain from the first box set that I attached to an MDF board.  A cool ruing building I can use for Age of Sigmar or LOTR.  Heck even D&D!

With that done I decided to clean up some other stuff I had lying around.  I was bored and wanted to do something different.  Enter this model:

It had a terrible white base coat, so I soaked it in Simple Green for 24 hours and scrubbed it off with an old tooth brush.  Got it based and properly base coated and then....

I have around 16 of these guys and I might just paint them for fun...I have 2 more soaking right now.

We shall see!


Tuesday, 7 May 2019

May is Here! Summer Slowdown incoming

Hello once more all,

Wow, okay, I haven't updated much in the last 3 weeks.  Mostly because I haven't painted much mostly due to being busy. Also because I've been sick the last week and a half.

But now I'm better and can post what I finished painting which isn't that much...but at least it's something!

There we go!  Last minis I painted in April.  A mimic, a Spider and a Retributor for my Stormcast.  Like I said, not much but at least it's something.

So with these added to the mix I painted 14 Models this month for my 2019 model total to 74 minis to date.

So what do I plan on doing next?  Well I haven't been keeping to my promise to not buy until I paint the stuff I bought recently, and I bought a bunch of stuff recently.  So my goal is to prep and paint them up. 

So stay tuned!


Friday, 19 April 2019

April Showers...Actually Snow, April Snow

Hello once more all!

Well I'm back and I'm still painting.  Now I, once again, didn't get as much done as I would of liked over the weekend as I was kinda sick...but!  I did finish off a few things on my desk, so lets show them off.

So here we are, 3 more Kobolds, a Cleric model for my D&D campaign and one Retributor.  I'm really happy with how everything they came out. I mean the kobolds were just the standard paint scheme I've been using for awhile now.  The Retributor also came out good, now to get the other 7 I have on my desk painted!

As for the Cleric that's mini number 2 for my D&D campaign.  Now I just have 2 more of those to paint as well!

Anyway with that all said, lets see what else is on my desk

Okay, well one of these minis is just a base because he is mid paint job!  But here we have a what i'm working on at the moment.  Hoepfully it'll all be done this weekend (Hooray Easter Weekend!)

Until later!


Tuesday, 9 April 2019

April Showers Bring excuses to Stay in and Paint!

Hello Everyone!

Well after a slow week on my previous post I had the chance to up the minis I completed this time.  I managed to finish them for a mini campaign I had created for some friends.  As that is now over I can get back to my regularly scheduled painting.

So lets look at what I finished this weekend.

I finished 5 of my Bones Zombies and a Dire Wolf from the Nolzur D&D range.  My recent campaigns have had quite a few undead in it so I've had to bang out a bunch of them.  They came out great and I'm happy with the result.  As for the Dire Wolf I gihlighted the black using P3 Charcoal Black.  I got to say I really do like it as a Black highlight as opposed to my normal technique of a dark Grey highlight.

So with that done and D&D month behind me I want to mix it up a bit and get something else done.  I bought several Stormcast minis to help round out my force.  I'm still waiting for them to arrive in the mail but I have a few I would like to start on to help finish them off.

I have 2 Retributors that I need to put together and base in preparation for the others I have coming in the mail.

Wish me luck all!


Thursday, 4 April 2019

D&D Month: March End, What Did I Get Done?

Hello all!

So March is over and...well...I didn't manage to paint much this week.  Life/work has a habit of getting in the way.  However I did manage to beat my record for last month when it comes to models painted.

In total I managed to paint 25 models in March, 3 more then last month.  This takes my total to 60 models painted!

With that said lets take a look at step by step of last mini I painted for this month.

I decided to try something different for this mini by trying to base it in red...I will soon regret this but it was a nice experiment before I try this technique out on Khorne minis.

Got the first basecoat on, sadly for this Bones miniature quite a bit of the detail is hard to get at.  I had to rely on washes to do most of the heavy lifting.

I washed the model in Army Painter Strong Tone.  At this point it was a matter of picking out the details which were hard to spot still.  Seems the Bones version of this mini lost a lot of the detail compared to the metal version (Which I will have to pick up sometime as a test).

Here we have the final product after even more washes and highlights to try to get every nook and cranny that still had red base coat popping out.  Overall I am happy with it but I'll have to practice more with red basecoats.

Well...what to do next...stay tuned!!


Wednesday, 27 March 2019

D&D Month: The Sunless Citadel is getting populated!

Hello everyone!

Okay, once again, slow on the update an I did not paint as much as I would have liked over the weekend.  Partially due to life getting in the way and partially due to other projects popping up that I needed to focus on.

However!  I did get some stuff painted up and finished so I figured I'd show that off, so here we go!

I managed to get the three skeletons, the farmer and a white dragon wyrmling Calcryx to help populate the Sunless citadel.

I would have liked to get the Kobolds done but didn't have time to start on them.  mostly because I was working on a few PC's for another short campaign I am in the middle of.

Somes bones Minis and some D&D Nolzur miniatures as I didn't have Tieflings/Half-Orcs in my Bones pile.  Just have to get them based and base coated so I can begin to work on them.

I also have a huge pile of other miniatures sitting in a semi-prepared state that I also need for multiple campaigns.  So here's to making a dent in my pile!

Until next time,


Monday, 18 March 2019

D&D Month: More Creatures and Stuff

Hello all!

So it was a slow weekend as I was fighting off a cold but I managed to get...SOME work done.  Mostly it was prepping minis so that I could later finish off.  I did manage to get a pile of stuff based, primed and painted.

So lets take a look!

3 more Kobolds, 5 Twig Blights and a Vine Blight.  Granted the larger one is technically a Needle Blight but I intend to use him as a Twig Blight because I can damn it!

Alright with those guys done I continued my trek to get all the Bones minis I have out off my desk...but man does it turn out I have quite a few out!  I mean it is to be expected when I have 2 kickstarters worth of stuff that's been waiting to get painted since 2013.

I am making a dent however...even if it is somewhat minor.  With that said here's the next batch for this week.

3 more Kobolds, 3 Skeleton Warriors, a small Dragon and a peasant.  Got to get most of my dungeon denizens painted and ready for some D&D action!

Until next time!


Monday, 11 March 2019

Battle Report: Blood on the Streets, Age of Sigmar Skirmish 2.0

Hello again one and all!

So given how in the last 6 months or so I have managed to get a bunch of AoS minis painted up, I decided to finally do something with them.  Now I know I don't have enough for a full 1000pt force like I plan on having for each.  However I do have enough to try out the new AoS Skirmish game!

So January 2019's White Dwarf had new rules for playing Age of Sigmar in Skirmish.  So using those rule I put together two 250 renown army lists to battle it out.

So lets take a look at the forces and also forgive me for the terrible lighting and picture quality.

Lar'Xan Skullslayer, Mighty Lord of Khorne and his retinue.  Lar'Xan rolled up Impetuous Crusader for his command ability and Armourbane for his artifact of power.  Joining him are Garrek's Reavers, two regular Bloodreavers and three Tzeentch Chaos Warriors.

On the other side of the table, Lar'Xan faced off against Galerin Forgeheart, Lord Relictor of the Hallowed Knights.

Galerin rolled Ambitious Fighter for his command ability and the Cursed Tome for his artifact of power.  Following him were two Liberators, one prime and one with a greathammer.  In addition Steelheart's Champions came along rounding out the group.

Lets take a look at the table and the Battleplan!

So using the new skirmish rules I rolled up Sweeping Assault.  I also rolled up the terrain rules and marked them with my simple, but effective tokens!

There are four objectives on the field, at the end of each player turn your score points for each objective held.  1 point for each one in you deployment zone, 2 points for one held in your opponents zone.


The Stormcast finished Deployment first and elected to take the first turn.  Severin Steelheart on the left flank along with Oberyn and Angharad.  Next to objective 4 Lord-Relictor Galerin and the Grandhammer Liberator setup while the Liberator Prime started next to the hill on the right.

Meanwhile on the opposite side Lar'Xan, th Mighty Lord of Khorne deployed next to objective 1 along with the three Tzeentch Chaos Warriors.  Meanwhile Arnulf, Targor, Karsus and Garrek lined up together with Saek on the far right flank.

Turn 1 - Stormcast

In the Hero phase Galerin had no targets for his own prayers but did have the Cursed Tome.  He tried to cast Mystic Shield on the Grandhammer but failed.

In the Movement phase all the Stormcast ran forward.  Steelheart and his champions moved toward objective 1 while Galerin and the Liberators moved toward the objective on their side of the board.

No Battleshock, the Stormcast get 2 VP for controlling their own points.

Turn 1 - Chaos

In the Hero phase Lar'Xan used his Gorelord command ability on Garrek, Targor and Karsus.
In the Movement phase the whole battleline walked forward with the two Bloodreavers moving up just enough to get in front of objective 3.

In the Charge phase all three Chaos Warriors manage to charge Severin Steelheart but Lar'Xan, The Mighty Lord of Khorne, failed his charge roll and could not use his Impetuous Crusader command Ability as he did not have another model within 6" of him

Meanwhile Garrek and Targor charged Galerin, while Karsus charged the Grandhammer Liberator.  All of them easily making their charge due to the Gorelord command ability.

In the combat phase Garrek managed to put a wound on the Lord-Relictor, who then proceeded to kill Garrek in return.  The other reavers either failed to hit their target, or had their attacks saved by the stormcast armour.

Meanwhile on the other side of the field Severin and the 3 Chaos Warrior traded blows but neither side managed to wound the other.

Chaos passed it's Battleshock phase and scored 2 VP for controlling their own objectives.
The Stormcast won the die roll off for Turn 2 and elect to go first.

Turn 2 - Stormcast

In the Hero phase Galerin tried to use his Lighting Storm but failed his die roll. Wielding the Cursed Tome the Lord-Relictor cast Arcane Bolt on Karsus, rolling a double 6 and causing d3 wounds and slaying him.

In the Movement phase Oberyn and Angharad moved forward.  Oberyn toward Arnulf and Angharad toward Lar'Xan.  Meanwhile The Liberator prime on the flank moved up while the Grandhammer retreated from combat toward the Bloodreavers and objective 3.

In the Charge phase Angharad charges the Mighty Lord of Khorne while Oberyn charged Arnulf.  The Liberator prime on the flank tried to charge Saek but failed.  Which led to Galerin using the Forward to Victory Command ability to re-roll the charge...which still failed.

Combat phase, Angharad fails to wound Lar'Xan while he fails to wound her back.  Oberyn missed all his attacks but Arnulf managed to hit him back but the wound was saved by his armour.

Meanwhile Severin Steelheart managed to slay one of the Chaos Warriors surrounding him while his grandblade.  The other Chaos Warriors missed all their attacks.

On the other side of the field Targor missed his attack and promptly had his head caved in by Galerin.  Chaos easily passed it's Battleshock test and the Stormcast scored 2 VP for continuing to hold the objectives in their zone.

Turn 2 - Chaos

In the Hero phase Lar'Xan used his Gorelord command ability on himself and the two Bloodreavers guarding the Objective.

In the movement phase Saek moved up to challenge the Liberator Prime sneaking around the tower while the Bloodreavers move to stop the Grandhammer.

In the Charge phase both Bloodreavers charge the Grandhammer while Saek rolled high enough that he decided to join them to gang up on the lone Stormcast.

In the Combat Phase both Bloodreavers and Saek, fail to hit while the Grandhammer retaliated and managed to kill Saek.

Meanwhile on the other end of the board Angharad managed to get 3 wounds on the Mighty Lord of Khorne but he managed to save them all.  When attacked back Angharad was not so lucky and was cut down by Lar'Xan and his Axe of Khorne.

Oberyn and Arnulf trade blows but neither managed to harm the other.  Meanwhile Severin missed all his attacks while a Tzeentch Chaos Warrior managed to cause a wound on Severin.

Each side passed their Battleshock test.  Chaos scored 2 VP for continuing to hold thier objectives.  The roll off for turn 3 was won by Chaos who elected to go first this battle round.

Turn 3 - Chaos

With the whole Chaos Army engaged Lar'Xan didn't use any command abilities.  Instead he moved forward toward Oberyn to keep him off the objective.

In the Charge phase Lar'Xan charged Oberyn.

In the combat phase both Bloodreavers and the Grandhammer Liberator all miss their attacks.  On the left flank Severin managed to kill another Chaos Warrior while the last surviving one managed to roll double 1's to wound Severin in return.

Lastly both Arnulf and Oberyn waved their weapons in each others face, unable to hurt each other.  When Lar'Xans turn finally came around he promptly cut Oberyn down.

Battleshock is passed by both sides.  Chaos scores 2 more VP for controlling their objectives.

Turn 3 - Stormcast

In the Hero phase Galerin used his Lightning storm ability on one of the Bloodreavers engaged with the Grandhammer and killed him with a mortal wound.  The he followed that up with an Arcane Bolt which Lar'Xans Collar of Khorne failed to dispel, which then killed the second Bloodreaver.

With the area cleared of chaos worshipers the Lord-Relictor and both Liberators ran toward the open objective.

With no shooting or charges we skipped right to the combat phase.  Severin went first and attacked the last standing Chaos Warrior and cut him down before he could retaliate.  Leaving the field open before him to threaten the second chaos objective.

Chaos once again easily passes battleshock.  The Stormcast manage to steal objective 3 from Chaos meaning they score 4 VP this round taking a lead in the game.

The roll off for turn 4 is a tie and Chaos elects to go first once more

Turn 4 - Chaos

With only 2 models left on the field Lar'Xan uses his Gorelord ability on himself and Arnulf.

In the Movement phase Arnulf made a b-line to the Stormcast side of the board with the hope he could survive long enough to steal an objective and keep the game from being a rout.

Meanwhile the Mighty Lord of Khorne moved toward Galerin and the Liberators hoping to cut through them to re-take the objective.

In the Charge phase Lar'Xan, with the help of his Gorelord command ability, made a long bomb charge and made it into contact with the Grandhammer.

In the Combat phase Lar'Xan failed to wound the Grandhammer but was not hit in turn.  The combat also pull din the Liberator prime who failed to wound as well.

End of the turn and Chaos failed to take back their objective as the Grandhammer and Liberator Prime tied the Lord of Khorne for taking objectives.  Chaos only scored 1 VP this round.

Turn 4 - Stormcast

In the Hero phase Galerin used his Lighting Strike ability on Arnulf killing him outright.  He tried to use Arcane Bolt on Lar'Xan but failed to cast.

In the Movement phase Severin Steelheart ran toward objective 1 to try and take it from the Chaos hordes.  Meanwhile Galerin move toward Lar'Xan to help push him off objective 3.

In the Charge phase the Lord-Relictor managed to charge into the fray with the Mighty Lord of Khorne.

With only one Chaos model left alive on the field it was right to the Combat phase.  Galerin manage to get several blows in but Lar'Xan saved them in.  In retaliation he struck out at Galerin but whiffed his attacks, meanwhile his Flesh Hound managed to put one wound on Galerin who failed his save.

The Liberator Prime struck out but failed to wound while the Granhammer managed to hit causing 2 wounds on the Mighty Lord of Khorne.

Chaos passed his Battleshock test.  With Galerin in range the Stormcast still held control of the objective scoring 4 VP this round.

Things are certainly looking grim for the forces of Chaos.  With the roll-off for the turn, Lar'Xan won 5 to 2 and elected to go first.

Turn 5 - Chaos

There didn't look like there was a way for Chaos to come back in this fight.  So Lar'Xan consoled himself knowing that he could at least serve the Blood God by taking Galerins head!

Going straight to the Combat phase Lar'Xan threw all his attacks into Galerin...and missed them all.  Next up to attack was the Grandhammer Liberator who wounded with both of his attacks.  Leading to Lar'Xan failing his save and falling over dead at his hands.

With Lar'Xan dead the Stormcast have swept the field of Chaos and control all objectives.  Victory to Lord-Relictor Galerin and the Hallowed Knights!

Well that was my first game of Skirmish 2.0.  I certainly prefer it over the old version and I hope they include the rules for it in the next General's Handbook 2019.

That's all for now, until next time!
