Well my weekend painting is done and I thought I'd show off what I managed to get done from the pile I showed off in my last post.
Lord-Relictor painted up and done! Oh my god he is a busy model...so many little things to paint. Although I will admit that once I got the base coat done and the model washed the details were much easier to finish off.
The only problem with the mini is I keep forgetting which blue I use for my Stormcast Hallowed Knights. So his shoulder pad and loincloth is lighter then Steelheart's Champions, which is also lighter then my 5 man group of liberators. Oh well, so long as they're done I can worry about fixing them later.
Now on to my other project for the weekend...
Okay the lighting is kind of bad on this but I can assure you the wood on the table and barrels is properly highlighted. I didn't manage to get through all the stuff I showed off though. Turns out the Evil Altar I had is slightly bent and I'm not sure how to re-shape resin. Oh well, I'll worry about that one later, but the pots and sacks I had decided to base as I didn't like them off on their own. They will be next on my to do pile.
That's all for now!
That's all for now!