Wednesday, 27 February 2019

LET'S PAINT STUFF: End of the Month Close...

Hello everyone!

Well my weekend painting is done and I thought I'd show off what I managed to get done from the pile I showed off in my last post.

Lord-Relictor painted up and done!  Oh my god he is a busy many little things to paint.  Although I will admit that once I got the base coat done and the model washed the details were much easier to finish off. 

The only problem with the mini is I keep forgetting which blue I use for my Stormcast Hallowed Knights.  So his shoulder pad and loincloth is lighter then Steelheart's Champions, which is also lighter then my 5 man group of liberators.  Oh well, so long as they're done I can worry about fixing them later.

Now on to my other project for the weekend...

Okay the lighting is kind of bad on this but I can assure you the wood on the table and barrels is properly highlighted.  I didn't manage to get through all the stuff I showed off though.  Turns out the Evil Altar I had is slightly bent and I'm not sure how to re-shape resin.  Oh well, I'll worry about that one later, but the pots and sacks I had decided to base as I didn't like them off on their own.  They will be next on my to do pile.

That's all for now!


Saturday, 23 February 2019

LET'S PAINT STUFF: Slow Week but Progress!

Hello once again all!

This week has been a bit slow going.  Partially due to having a busy week of not hobby stuff to do and partially due to this damn mini being so damn BUSY!!

Okay, I am not actually done painting my Lord Relictor.  I did decide to show my work in progress and show what else I plan on getting painted this weekend.

Okay so I managed to get the base coat on the mini and get the wash done.  Now that it is dry I can get the highlights on this bad boy and attach it to it's base, which I also finished as it was drying.  I should hopefully get this done quickly so I can move on to a mini project for this weekend...

DUNGEON TERRAIN!!  Okay so I am currently running a new D&D campaign and I want to actively use these minis I have had on my desk for awhile.  They paint up pretty fast so I figured after an annoyingly hard mini I should work on some quick and easy stuff.

The Deep Cuts dungeon terrain is self explanatory.  The white minis are Bones I got from the very first Kickstarter 5 years ago (OMG 5 years ago...), and the grey ones were a part of my Dwarf Forge Dungeon Kickstarter that I haven't finished painting yet.

I'll quickly base coat them tonight so I can finish them up fast before moving on to my next group of miniatures.

Stay Tuned!


Monday, 18 February 2019

LET'S PAINT STUFF: Damn! That was a productive Weekend

Hello once again!

Okay I know I did a post not too many days ago where I showed off some works in progress.  Had to put a halt on them as I was missing a few paints....but I got them!  I spent most of yesterday pounding them out and getting more of my projects done.

So to start off:

BAM!  Tzeentch Chaos Warriors, all properly highlighted and done!  Now the guy on the left was my test mini so he's a bit rough when it comes to painting. However I have the colour scheme down so the other two came out quite a bit less sloppy.

I have 2 more waiting on my desk, but they are half ready and still need prep work.  They won't be finish any time soon as I work on the line of already prepped models. With that said....

One blacksmith and a ball of fire!  Two D&D minis I can cross off my list.  I still have to finish up the rest of my town blacksmith project but at least I got him done.  Also my Wizard in D&D has a physical representation of the "Flaming Sphere" spell to make tracking it in battle easier.

So what is next?  Well....more AoS!

I bought this Lord-Relictor almost 2 years ago and now I want it off my damn desk and in my display case to help lead my Stormcast.  He's going to be quite a bit more work then my Other Stormcast but the paint job should be relatively the same.

Here's hoping I can have him done by the end of the week!


Saturday, 16 February 2019

LET'S PAINT STUFF: Getting a Rhythm Going

Hello everyone!

Alright so I am back with what I've been working on so far.  I didn't manage to get as much done as I would of liked but I did manage to get a few things done to show off.

So for starters I am happy to report my Conan pirates are done!

The last 5 pirates are done!  I decided to change up the paint scheme to make things interesting.  My plan on making all the pirates pants red fell apart when I realized that, in this instance, white pants would look best.

I am finally done these!  Oh my god!  now I'm done 30/105 models in my Conan box game and I can get the next batch of 5 on my paint table.

For now I decided to get another batch of models that has been sitting on my desk for the last 2 years done.

Tzeentch Chaos Warrior!  I had bought some used minis cheap in order to make a 1000pt Mortal Tzeentch army list.  I had half painted one for the last 2 years but never finished.  So now I'm...kinda finished him.

To be honest I'm not totally happy with the paint job on the armor.  I need to do more of an edge highlight but I, apparently, do not own a blue colour any lighter then whats on him and I hate mixing because I often forget my mixture and it puts the colour off.

So they are on hiatus until I can go and pick up some new paints.  While that is waiting I decided to start on these.

The Bones Blacksmith and a Fireball!  I already mentioned then Blacksmith in an earlier post but the Fireball I need as my current D&D character...well, lets just say the only decent spell he can cast is flaming sphere.  I figured I could use a model to represent that.

Well that's its for now!  Hopefully I'll have more done by the end of the weekend.

Till then!


Saturday, 9 February 2019

LET'S PAINT STUFF: Slower then I thought

Hello all!

Well I thought I'd have a group of Bloodreavers done by the end of the weekend...that didn't work out sadly.  However I got them MOSTLY done and finished them off this week.  So here are the first set of reavers!

This is a somewhat terrible picture but I finished 5 Bloodreavers for my Bloodbound army!  Now that there is news about a new battletome as well I definitely have a reason to focus and getting them done before the book drops.

I have another 5 minis sitting in pieces on my desk waiting to be cleaned up and glued together.  I also have to dedicate some time to getting some bases setup for them to match all my other AoS minis.

While I work on that I have one other thing I managed to complete this week.

One, quickly painted Grizzly bear from the new D&D Nolzur line.  The Druid in my D&D group makes it a habit to turn into a bear whenever possible.  So when as was at my local game store and saw this bad boy I had to grab him and quickly paint him up.

Well that is all I painted this week.  I have some Conan minis I want to pound out as well as prep some more D&D stuff to use in my new campaign,

Bye for now!


Friday, 1 February 2019

LET'S PAINT STUFF! January Complete!

Hello everyone!

So the month of January has come and gone and it is now time to tally up the minis I painted for the month.  My goal is to finish painting a bunch of stuff I have had half finished on my desk.  As well as paint some box sets I had purchased recently.

With that said, lets take a look at the minis I finished before the end of the month!

Steelheart's Champions are done!

I have completed my first box set of this year.  So my Shadespire box can go on the shelf as I move on to other projects. That also means that my total number of minis painted in January comes to 13.

5 x Garrek's Reavers
3 x Steelheart's Champions
5 x Conan Pirates

Not a bad start considering I only really started painting half way through the month!  So now to move to some other stuff I have cluttering my desk.

I had bought this box set almost 2 years ago.  I hadn't really gotten around to finishing it although I have painted the Liberators in the box.  I still have 2 Retributors, 3 Blood Warriors and 5 Bloodreavers.  I figured I could use these to flesh out the Stormcast/Bloodbound armies I already have.

With that said:

5 Bloodreavers on the paint table and ready to go!  Hopefully I'll have them done by the end of the weekend so I can move on to a few other bits I had picked up last weekend.

Until next time!
