Friday, 19 April 2019

April Showers...Actually Snow, April Snow

Hello once more all!

Well I'm back and I'm still painting.  Now I, once again, didn't get as much done as I would of liked over the weekend as I was kinda sick...but!  I did finish off a few things on my desk, so lets show them off.

So here we are, 3 more Kobolds, a Cleric model for my D&D campaign and one Retributor.  I'm really happy with how everything they came out. I mean the kobolds were just the standard paint scheme I've been using for awhile now.  The Retributor also came out good, now to get the other 7 I have on my desk painted!

As for the Cleric that's mini number 2 for my D&D campaign.  Now I just have 2 more of those to paint as well!

Anyway with that all said, lets see what else is on my desk

Okay, well one of these minis is just a base because he is mid paint job!  But here we have a what i'm working on at the moment.  Hoepfully it'll all be done this weekend (Hooray Easter Weekend!)

Until later!


Tuesday, 9 April 2019

April Showers Bring excuses to Stay in and Paint!

Hello Everyone!

Well after a slow week on my previous post I had the chance to up the minis I completed this time.  I managed to finish them for a mini campaign I had created for some friends.  As that is now over I can get back to my regularly scheduled painting.

So lets look at what I finished this weekend.

I finished 5 of my Bones Zombies and a Dire Wolf from the Nolzur D&D range.  My recent campaigns have had quite a few undead in it so I've had to bang out a bunch of them.  They came out great and I'm happy with the result.  As for the Dire Wolf I gihlighted the black using P3 Charcoal Black.  I got to say I really do like it as a Black highlight as opposed to my normal technique of a dark Grey highlight.

So with that done and D&D month behind me I want to mix it up a bit and get something else done.  I bought several Stormcast minis to help round out my force.  I'm still waiting for them to arrive in the mail but I have a few I would like to start on to help finish them off.

I have 2 Retributors that I need to put together and base in preparation for the others I have coming in the mail.

Wish me luck all!


Thursday, 4 April 2019

D&D Month: March End, What Did I Get Done?

Hello all!

So March is over and...well...I didn't manage to paint much this week.  Life/work has a habit of getting in the way.  However I did manage to beat my record for last month when it comes to models painted.

In total I managed to paint 25 models in March, 3 more then last month.  This takes my total to 60 models painted!

With that said lets take a look at step by step of last mini I painted for this month.

I decided to try something different for this mini by trying to base it in red...I will soon regret this but it was a nice experiment before I try this technique out on Khorne minis.

Got the first basecoat on, sadly for this Bones miniature quite a bit of the detail is hard to get at.  I had to rely on washes to do most of the heavy lifting.

I washed the model in Army Painter Strong Tone.  At this point it was a matter of picking out the details which were hard to spot still.  Seems the Bones version of this mini lost a lot of the detail compared to the metal version (Which I will have to pick up sometime as a test).

Here we have the final product after even more washes and highlights to try to get every nook and cranny that still had red base coat popping out.  Overall I am happy with it but I'll have to practice more with red basecoats.

Well...what to do next...stay tuned!!
