Monday, 24 June 2019

It's a Cruel Summer....So Here's some Terrain!

Hello everyone!

Well its been a bit of a break as the weather...somewhat got better.  Honestly Its been mostly that I just straight wasn't in the mood to paint, but now I am!  I have several half-painted/prepped terrain that I have been working on to help extend my terrain collection.

So lets see what I managed to finish!

Some old Lord of the Rings terrain from the first box set that I attached to an MDF board.  A cool ruing building I can use for Age of Sigmar or LOTR.  Heck even D&D!

With that done I decided to clean up some other stuff I had lying around.  I was bored and wanted to do something different.  Enter this model:

It had a terrible white base coat, so I soaked it in Simple Green for 24 hours and scrubbed it off with an old tooth brush.  Got it based and properly base coated and then....

I have around 16 of these guys and I might just paint them for fun...I have 2 more soaking right now.

We shall see!
