Thursday, 31 December 2020

2020 Wrap up Post!


The last models of 2020!  The last models of this god awful year and I managed to beat my record of minis finished!

The last 3 Orcs I needed to finish this unit.  The last of my Orcy boys I will need to paint (For now...probably)  So with that all said and done....

Finally after 16 years of starting an Orc unit back during 6th edition Warhammer Fantasy.  I have completed a unit for 8th edition that is no longer in production!

But it is done!  With these last three My model count has risen to 114 models for the year!

....but wait!  In a last ditch effort to round out my numbers I managed ONE MORE!

The mighty Wizard Servac!  Ready and able to lead my warband into FROSTGRAVE.  So with him done that takes my total too 115 models painted for 2020!

Well I am exhausted...I think I'll take a quick break before going hard on some projects this new year.

Stay Tuned!


Monday, 28 December 2020

Let the Year End Come!!

Hello Once again all!

Less then a week until the end of the year and I still got some painting in me.  I'm SO CLOSE to finishing one thing I had planned to get done this year.  Finish the stuff I had prepped...well I still have a bunch of that to do...BUT! I'm almost done my Orcs.

With that said...

6 More Orcs painted and done!  That leaves 3 more to finish up....I'm so close to being done my unit of 40!  SO CLOSE!!

Okay so I have 3 more Orc to fact they are half done now.  Soon it will be complete and we can all bask in the painted glory!



Sunday, 20 December 2020

Twas the Night before....Something

Hello all!

Well The years is getting closer to the end....but the painting continues!  I'm going to keep this short and sweet as I am SO CLOSE to finishing a mini project.  I am of the excite!

So with that said...

5 More Orc boys!!!  I've been on hiatus with these guys but I am SO CLOSE to being done the 40 man (Orc) unit.  9 more to go on a unit I started all the way back in 2004.

So close all!


Sunday, 6 December 2020

Well, November flew by...

 Hello once again!

Well...November was a thing.  I'll admit I didn't really paint much.  But December is here and I am determined to finish my orcs!  So lets take a look at what I got done for November.

Two spider swarms....very very simply painted.  Honestly?  I put off painting these for so long because I just wasn't enthused about them.  So I kept it to a simple dry brush, quick and easy.

Now I haven't been super good at the whole "don't buy minis" thing.  But I kept splurging to a minimum and I treated myself to these bad boys!

I wanted these minis since I heard this was a game.  So I splurged and bought the rules and the Bleak Falls Barrow set.  I Also started getting them prepped!

3 Skyrim skeletons!  Nice models and fun to paint.  Just have to prep the last of the models in the box.  But they will come after my orcs!

So that's a total of 5 models for November making my total 100 for the year!  I'm SO CLOSE to beating my year total from last year.  Just have to buckle down and get it done!

Until next time.

- Commodus

Monday, 2 November 2020

November is Here! Farewell Spooky Season

Hello once again all!

So the month of October has passed us by and we are now here in November.  So lets take a look at what I managed to paint this last week of October!

One goblin Standard Bearer and a Owl Familiar!  The Gobbo is self explanatory...need to have a banner bearer for an all goblin army.  But the Owl is a familiar for a D&D campaign that...kind of got put on hiatus due to the 'Rona.  Hopefully I'll get back to it one day.

Lastly just one model that has been a "test model" since...well 4th Edition 40k was still around.

One Termigaunt!  Now this fellow is from the old 4th edition starter.  I have a few sprues with some Genestealers and Spore mines as well.  Enough to really start a combat patrol....see where this is going?  Maybe I'll get them all based and painted up....some day...along with 50 other projects!

So with all this said and done what was my model count for October...

Counting all the stuff I managed to get through on my pile I managed to paint 32 models!  That's nuts!  I managed to almost completely blow through my pile of primed models.  Heck it led me to look for OTHER primed stuff I could paint (of which I still have a bunch).

Adding it to my total of 95 models painted!!  I'm 10 away from last years record and I still have more on the way.

Stay Tuned!


Monday, 26 October 2020

October Painting SPREEEE!

 Hello one and all and welcome back!

So after a whole week off I sat down and managed to get through a whole hella lotta stuff!  My main "pile" I was working on is mostly done with a few stragglers and new pile waiting to be next!

So with that said lets take a look at all I've done!

Two OOP River Trolls! I love these models and they were really fun to paint.  Took me awhile to figure out what colours to use to pull it off.  Once I finally decided on what I wanted I wasn't too sure they would look good.  Boy am I glad they came out great!

Next up...

5 pieces of scatter terrain!  Four pieces of LOTR terrain for the Mines of Moria and the grate from the Blasted Hallowheart set.  Finally finished that up and now just have 2 chests to work on.

With that said....

5 Bossonian Archers for my Conan board game.  Oh god I'll never get this project done.  But I am officially 1/3rd of the way through the box...skeletons are up next most likely...

But before that...

Old school OOP Metal Plaguebearer!  Now this was mostly a test scheme for Nurgle.  One thing I did learn was that I want my  boys to be brighter!  Luckily, multi-coloured Nurgle units look really good. So he'll look great once the rest of the unit is done.

and with THAT said!

Four old OOP Chaos Warriors of Nurgle!  Got these guys back in 2006 for a Demonic Legion of Nurgle army I had planned that...never happened due to 7th edition Warhammer.  Now is as good a time as any to get it done though!

With that I managed to paint 17 models with about 5 more already in the WIP stage.  I'm happy to have made progress and sure hope to beat my yearly record!

Bye for now!


Monday, 19 October 2020

October Paint Spree Continues!!

Hello one and all, back with more stuff painted!

So continuing the project of painting all my backlog of stuff I "based but did not paint" I moved on to even more greenskins for my Orc and Goblin army!  So will all that said lets take another look and see what I finished!

5 more Goblins!  That makes a whole unit of 30 Gobbos!  I still have to build and paint their movement try but a whole unit done!  It only took me....uhh...I guess 6 years technically.  However they are now done and ready to use in game.

To go with these greeny boyz...

3 Goblin Spear Chukka crew!  I had based these guys and haven't gotten to work on their actual Spear Chukka...but Its here and ready to get put together and painted!  I'll get to that...eventually.

That's 8 more models on the pile with more on the way!

Stay Tuned!


Monday, 12 October 2020

Lets Continue to Spoopy it up

Hello once again all!  

I'm back with another batch of models painted up and ready to go.  Managed to get a bunch done this week with another batch well on the way.  So without further ado...

Three more Lizardmen!  This rounds out all my bones Lizardmen.  My first warband/D&D encounter is done from my box of minis.  Need to figure out which monster group I will finish next.

Until then, lets see what else I managed to paint...

One Orc Big Boss!  This guy was just a spare minis I bought from a lot of models.  He was poorly painted and based, so I built a new base and gave him a repaint to match my Orcs!  So another model done and added to the pile.

So four models painted and completed, next up...more greenskins?  Most likely!

Stay Tuned!


Monday, 5 October 2020

October is here! Spooky time!!

Hello all once again!

So September has come and gone and I managed to start painting again.  Slow going at first but I hope to clear the first leg of my pile soon.  For now lets take a look at what I finished for this month and count up my total!

Two Lizardmen warriors!  One regular, and one "Brute".  Now technically the big guy should be a Marsh Troll.  But these models look much more like a Large Lizardman that I prefer to use them as a custom monster for D&D.

With these two models done I can add the other two I finished this month for a total of 4 for the Month of September.  Taking my yearly total too 63!  I still have 3 month to go for the year to see if I can finish more then I did last year.  So far I cam keep pace but I'll have to double down this month.

More Lizardmen are on the way next so stay tunes!


Thursday, 24 September 2020

September Continues!!! What am I painting?

Hello one and all!

So I'm back!  Here to show off even more stuff I've painted.  It's been a little slow going for me as i'm easing back into it, but hopefully my next batch will kick things into high gear!

So with all that said here's what I finished

One Slaughterpriest of Khorne!  Ready to join my Goretide horde.  I got this guy years agoe when it was free with the relaunch of White Dwarf 4 years ago.  Finally got it painted and ready to serve the Dark Gods!

So onward to my next batch from my pile

Stay Tuned!


Sunday, 20 September 2020

September Blues

 Hello one and all!

So while I have been occupied with a pretty intense Warhammer Total War campaign I have ALSO put paint to model and started working on my current to do pile.  So to start off!

So remember back in...oh I believe it was January, that I wanted to repaint some of my old Empire models?  Well this bad boy was one of the first I ever painted.  As can be seen it pretty standard for a first model.  So after paint stripping and coming up with a somewhat never paint scheme...

Cleaned up much more with some highlighting and better basing!  Granted its not much but it blends in with my updated army paint scheme much better then before.  And I also have a Mounted captain I can use for a little Warhammer skirmish!

So thats 1 model down this month with another on the way

Stay tuned!


Monday, 7 September 2020

August continues to August until it Septembers!

Hello once again all!

Not much painting getting done, yet again.  But I still haven't been idle despite what my lack of updates says.  So let's see what I got done!

I've had a Nurgle Hordes of Chaos army I've had half done sitting in a box since 6th edition.  So I decided to just...put it all together.  So with that said...

The whole plan with the army is for everything in it will be metal.  All OOP minis of which I already have a bunch!  So most of the hard stuff is done.  My plan now is to get these units completed.  I still have to finish the movement trays and magnetize everything but for now they are ready to prime.

Okay so now to begin my plan on cleaning up my paint table.  I have a pile of primed minis I want to get done.  But I also have a pile of half painted minis I want to finish first

Here they are in their half painted glory!  Hopefully I'll get it all done stay tuned!


Saturday, 8 August 2020

July Ends, August Begins, Summer almost done...

 Hello Everyone!

Another month gone and...not a whole lot of painting happening either.  Summer + Painting = Not happening.  At least for me at any rate.  But that doesn't mean I haven't been busy!

I  have a pretty full painting table with half-started minis, stuff I base coated to paint but just...never did.  As well as half built projects I have waiting around.  So for the last few weeks since my last update I have been building stuff and getting my to paint pile ready to go.

Lets take a look!

So I've been slowly building my Cities of Sigmar army since December.  Finally nailed down what I want in the list and have been slowly buying what I need.  I managed to buy a bunch of old and new models and decided to put them all together to make one whole unit.

So Its a mix of 5th Edition plastics with metal arms, 6th Edition Starter set Handgunners and 7th to AoS plastic Freeguild Hangunners.  Also one Militia/Mordheim dude in the back.  I got to say, those arms are annoying to get on.  Behind that are 5 plastic Pistoliers I got cheap and added a bunch of bits too from my bits box.  On either side a Magister and a Metal Ogre Maneater for my Mawtribe are all ready to be based!

For my Fantasy armies I took all my random Handgunners I had left over and made a 14 man unit. Their movement tray and bases are all magnetised and ready to use!  In addition 6 old Flagellants, My Elector Count and 2 old metal Chaos minis for my Nurgle army.  Yes I decided to put that one together as well just cuz...well why not?

And here we have... a bunch of stuff half done.  Not even sure I'll do these first!  I still have a bunch of other stuff to put together.  I do want the Nurgle army completed once I figure out whats going in it!

So my monthly total stays the same for now at 59 models for the year....but I have so much coming up!  Stay tuned!


Thursday, 2 July 2020

July is Here! What did I paint?

Hello once again all!

So the summer is here, along with my standard slowdown of updates.  I did paint some stuff however!  So lets take a look at what I managed to finish this month.

Two Lord of the Rings statue terrain pieces!  Just some scatter terrain to add to my pile of terrain.

Azyrite scatter terrain!  These came in the Blaster Hallowheart set I showed off last time.  I finally finished these up.  I'm not super sure of the colour scheme but I wanted something different so I went for it!  I have another Azyrite ruins set I want to add so now that I committed to thise scheme....oh well!

So that's 8 pieces in total this month for a yearly total too 59!  Not too shabby I guess but well see how this month goes!

Till then!


Wednesday, 10 June 2020

June is here! Omg I Haven't Painted in Awhile...

Hello all!

Well I'm back!  sadly with not much to really report...Lets just say I had a "Home emergency" and had to spend all my free painting time dealing with that.  However I thought I'd share what little I managed to paint in the last 2 months since I posted.

So just to help get back in the swing of things.

One Realmgate!  That makes the models I painted in the last 2 months...1 model.  Yeah painting hasn't been a priority for obvious reasons.  But I don have more stuff in the pipe.  But for now my yearly total sits at 51 models.

Now I also picked up some stuff which is against m,y "no buy" rule...but still.

Got a new game board to play with and terrain to paint!

Until then!
