The last models of 2020! The last models of this god awful year and I managed to beat my record of minis finished!
The last models of 2020! The last models of this god awful year and I managed to beat my record of minis finished!
Hello Once again all!
Less then a week until the end of the year and I still got some painting in me. I'm SO CLOSE to finishing one thing I had planned to get done this year. Finish the stuff I had prepped...well I still have a bunch of that to do...BUT! I'm almost done my Orcs.
With that said...
Hello all!
Well The years is getting closer to the end....but the painting continues! I'm going to keep this short and sweet as I am SO CLOSE to finishing a mini project. I am of the excite!
So with that said...
5 More Orc boys!!! I've been on hiatus with these guys but I am SO CLOSE to being done the 40 man (Orc) unit. 9 more to go on a unit I started all the way back in 2004.
So close all!
Hello once again!
Well...November was a thing. I'll admit I didn't really paint much. But December is here and I am determined to finish my orcs! So lets take a look at what I got done for November.
Two spider swarms....very very simply painted. Honestly? I put off painting these for so long because I just wasn't enthused about them. So I kept it to a simple dry brush, quick and easy.
Now I haven't been super good at the whole "don't buy minis" thing. But I kept splurging to a minimum and I treated myself to these bad boys!
Hello once again all!
So the month of October has passed us by and we are now here in November. So lets take a look at what I managed to paint this last week of October!
Hello one and all and welcome back!
So after a whole week off I sat down and managed to get through a whole hella lotta stuff! My main "pile" I was working on is mostly done with a few stragglers and new pile waiting to be next!
So with that said lets take a look at all I've done!
Two OOP River Trolls! I love these models and they were really fun to paint. Took me awhile to figure out what colours to use to pull it off. Once I finally decided on what I wanted I wasn't too sure they would look good. Boy am I glad they came out great!
Next up...
Hello one and all, back with more stuff painted!
So continuing the project of painting all my backlog of stuff I "based but did not paint" I moved on to even more greenskins for my Orc and Goblin army! So will all that said lets take another look and see what I finished!
Hello once again all!
I'm back with another batch of models painted up and ready to go. Managed to get a bunch done this week with another batch well on the way. So without further ado...
Hello all once again!
So September has come and gone and I managed to start painting again. Slow going at first but I hope to clear the first leg of my pile soon. For now lets take a look at what I finished for this month and count up my total!
Hello one and all!
So I'm back! Here to show off even more stuff I've painted. It's been a little slow going for me as i'm easing back into it, but hopefully my next batch will kick things into high gear!
So with all that said here's what I finished
Hello one and all!
So while I have been occupied with a pretty intense Warhammer Total War campaign I have ALSO put paint to model and started working on my current to do pile. So to start off!
Hello Everyone!
Another month gone and...not a whole lot of painting happening either. Summer + Painting = Not happening. At least for me at any rate. But that doesn't mean I haven't been busy!
I have a pretty full painting table with half-started minis, stuff I base coated to paint but just...never did. As well as half built projects I have waiting around. So for the last few weeks since my last update I have been building stuff and getting my to paint pile ready to go.
Lets take a look!