Monday, 24 February 2020

Model Madness! February continues...

Hello once again all!

So here I am with another installment of "Look what I painted!"  Before I do that I thought I'd just show off a game I managed to play with a bunch of my friend over the weekend...

HEROQUEST!  The greatest board game ever made.  We've been slowly going through the adventure book and just finished up the 5th quest out of the 12. (Although technically the first adventure is more of a board game then a "mission" mission so I skipped that).

Okay I just thought I'd show that off before I got down to the meat of what this is suppose to be about...

Three Orc Arrer boy's for a little WARCRY 3 BLOOD DRAGON!!  I have about 12 of these guys sitting around so I figured I'd paint three so I can use them for a little Warhammer 6th Edition skirmish.  Hopefully I can get around to actually finishing the whole 12 man but for now these guys join the pile as I work on a few more things...

Hopefully I'll have more ready before the end of the week!  Stay Tuned!


Monday, 17 February 2020

Mid Feb RUSH!

Hello all!

Another week, another few minis to add to the pile of stuff I've finished!  So I didn't manage to get as many as I wanted done.  But I got had a chance to finish a unit I'd been meaning to complete for a year now.  So with that said...

Two Chaos Warriors of Tzeentch!  The last two I had to complete a unit i start last year at around this time.

Honestly?  the paint job on them is a bit rough.  I'm not all that good at edge highlighting but I figured I would use this project as my test case.  Mostly just a Tzeentch battalion for fun in AoS games.

With that said, next up!

Okay, now I know I said I would do these last month...but that got delayed.  Now?  They are on the list!  Hopefully I'll have a whole castle out soon!

Till next time!


Tuesday, 11 February 2020

February and the Great Cleanup!

Hello once again all!

Here I am ready for a new month and new minis I painted. So I got some stuff done and I thought I'd share it all with you.

One Dark Elf Warrior with a Repeater Crossbow, and Executioner and a Goblin Hero!  I painted these guys up for Warhammer 6th Edition skirmish.  I've been watching some online battle reports and I want to put together a few warbands with some minis I have lying around.

So next up!  Finishing up some based models on my desk that have been waiting for years to get painted.  

Stay tuned!


Saturday, 1 February 2020

January's End...How Many Minis?

Hello all once again!

So the month is now over and it is time to tally up all that I have painted this month.  However, before that I thought I'd share one last model that I managed to complete before the end of the month!

My General's Adjutant!  Basically a Freeguild General that will accompany my regular foot general for fun and shenanigans.

So with him painted my monthly total for January 2020 is 5 models.  Not as much as last year, but it's a start!  I do plan on finishing atleast one project this year.  So far my list is

1000 points of Stormcast
1000 points of Cities of Sigmar
2000 points of Ogor Mawtribes (Of which 1200 point are already painted)
1000 point Repainted Empire army

So far that is what is on my plate...hopefully I will be able to get some movement on it.  For now...back to painting!
