Tuesday, 31 March 2020

The MARCH Nears It's end...

Hello Once again all!

And here I am as March closes...with more orcs!  This will probably be a small update as I am super busy with everything that is going on.  I do plan on putting a lot of time into painting before the end of the month however.

So with that said...what did I paint?

More ORCS!  Yes another 5 done added to the unit I'm trying Oh so hard to finish.  I wanted to get the whole thing done by the end of the month.  That clearly didn't happen...but I'm halfway through!  Keep in mind I had painted 5 of the unit years ago so that brings the total done to 20 overall (For a unit of 40)

So this is it!  March is now done and I can count up all the minis I completed.  With these 5 my total for March is 17 minis!  Pretty good given I haven't really painted in the last 2 weeks.

Adding these to my overall total 50 models!!!  I'm half way to 100 and I'm 3 months in!  MADNESS!!!

Welp! Now with April on the horizon I hope I can actually finish a project.  Will I get a whole 2000 point Orc and Goblin army completed?

Stay tuned!


Thursday, 26 March 2020

The MARCH continues....papa Nurgle is pleased...

Hello once again all!

I am back with even more stuff to show off.  I generally had project A.D.D. so I can never really get anything done as I would like.  However WARCRY 3 BLOOD DRAGON has inspired me to paint Orcs.  So I plan on getting my 40 Orc unit done.  I've been waiting to finish this project for almost 6 years.  Now It will be complete!

With that said...

5 More Orcs to add to my horde!  I originally started painting these guys so I would have bodies for a little "WARCRY 3 BLOOD DRAGON!!!" but I haven't gotten around to painting my Dark Elves because...well, I like painting Orcs!

So far 16 in the unit are done! 24 to go!

Till then!


Sunday, 22 March 2020

MARCHing Onward to Painting Victory!

Hello once again all!

So I'm back with even more stuff to show you.  While I am still making progress on the Orcs I took a side track and decided to finish off one more piece of terrain before I put the project on hold for a bit.

So with that said...

My Chapel of Sigmar!  I wish I had bought this back when GW still produced it.  But I was able to fine one online for a "not so bad" price!  Its been sitting in pieces in the corner of my room for awhile now.  Luckily I was hit by a terrain bug and was able to finally finish it.

Yet another model down and several more on the way.  Still working on Orcs and hope to have more to show in the coming days.

Until then!


Wednesday, 11 March 2020

The Long MARCH continues...

Hello and huzzah all!

Here I am again with even MORE stuff I've painted!  I've gotten a bug that I really need to sit and focus to finish at least one project.

...I just don't know which one yet....but I have ideas...

While I decided I'd keep cleaning up my terrain pile, I've been slightly distracted by other ideas.  But for now lets take a look at what I managed to get done.

Six Orc Boyz with double choppas! 

I have a unit of 40 Orc boys that have been sitting in display case half done for the last....5 years or so?  After painting some minis for Warhammer Skirmish I got a bug to paint Orcs...so I started painting Orcs....and I keep painting Orcs.

Its Orcs all around!

So I figured since I'm kind of hooked on doing it I'll keep painting them until I'm bored.  Hell!  maybe I'll finish my 2000 point Orc and Goblin Army in the process.

Stay Tuned to find out!


Friday, 6 March 2020

Stupid SMarch Weather! Also February Model Count!

Hello everyone once again!

Well February has come and gone, and here I am to show you all that I managed to paint last week!  Now I did have most of the week off so I was able to get some larger projects done, as well as a few smaller minis for D&D and a little Warhammer Skirmish.

So with that lets take a look at what I got painted!

Two Orc miniatures for my Orc and Goblin army, as well as a little 6th edition Warhammer Skirmish.  Grimgor Ironhide, slightly converted to be a regular Black Orc Warboss.  As well as an older Boar Boy.  I tested out two different skin tones, one bright green and another slightly muted tone green.  Both were actually a lot of fun to paint and I'm happy with how they came out.

Next up!

A bunch of scatter terrain!  Both for Skirmish and D&D.  Not too hard to paint (Except the wood pile...which was hell), but I'm happy I was able to clear this stuff off my paint table.

Now for the bigger projects I have been working on...

A Mage Wrath Throne!  I've actually had this model based and ready to paint for awhile.  I just was not motivated to actually do it.  So I grit my teeth and just decided to come up with a paint scheme and DO IT!

And I did!  I probably went a little too heavy with the dry brushing, but the tarnished throne look is something I can work with.

Lastly, the big project you have all been waiting for!

GW Plastic Fortress!  COMPLETE! (With an extra tower for good measure).  Now all I need to do it get all the other stuff I need for a proper siege.

So adding everything up I managed to paint 20 models last week on my mini vacation.  Adding all the other stuff I painted that's 28 minis for the month of February and a total of 33 for the year so far!

*phew*  Guess I better get to work on what I'm doing for March.
