Thursday, 24 September 2020

September Continues!!! What am I painting?

Hello one and all!

So I'm back!  Here to show off even more stuff I've painted.  It's been a little slow going for me as i'm easing back into it, but hopefully my next batch will kick things into high gear!

So with all that said here's what I finished

One Slaughterpriest of Khorne!  Ready to join my Goretide horde.  I got this guy years agoe when it was free with the relaunch of White Dwarf 4 years ago.  Finally got it painted and ready to serve the Dark Gods!

So onward to my next batch from my pile

Stay Tuned!


Sunday, 20 September 2020

September Blues

 Hello one and all!

So while I have been occupied with a pretty intense Warhammer Total War campaign I have ALSO put paint to model and started working on my current to do pile.  So to start off!

So remember back in...oh I believe it was January, that I wanted to repaint some of my old Empire models?  Well this bad boy was one of the first I ever painted.  As can be seen it pretty standard for a first model.  So after paint stripping and coming up with a somewhat never paint scheme...

Cleaned up much more with some highlighting and better basing!  Granted its not much but it blends in with my updated army paint scheme much better then before.  And I also have a Mounted captain I can use for a little Warhammer skirmish!

So thats 1 model down this month with another on the way

Stay tuned!


Monday, 7 September 2020

August continues to August until it Septembers!

Hello once again all!

Not much painting getting done, yet again.  But I still haven't been idle despite what my lack of updates says.  So let's see what I got done!

I've had a Nurgle Hordes of Chaos army I've had half done sitting in a box since 6th edition.  So I decided to just...put it all together.  So with that said...

The whole plan with the army is for everything in it will be metal.  All OOP minis of which I already have a bunch!  So most of the hard stuff is done.  My plan now is to get these units completed.  I still have to finish the movement trays and magnetize everything but for now they are ready to prime.

Okay so now to begin my plan on cleaning up my paint table.  I have a pile of primed minis I want to get done.  But I also have a pile of half painted minis I want to finish first

Here they are in their half painted glory!  Hopefully I'll get it all done stay tuned!
