Thursday, 31 December 2020

2020 Wrap up Post!


The last models of 2020!  The last models of this god awful year and I managed to beat my record of minis finished!

The last 3 Orcs I needed to finish this unit.  The last of my Orcy boys I will need to paint (For now...probably)  So with that all said and done....

Finally after 16 years of starting an Orc unit back during 6th edition Warhammer Fantasy.  I have completed a unit for 8th edition that is no longer in production!

But it is done!  With these last three My model count has risen to 114 models for the year!

....but wait!  In a last ditch effort to round out my numbers I managed ONE MORE!

The mighty Wizard Servac!  Ready and able to lead my warband into FROSTGRAVE.  So with him done that takes my total too 115 models painted for 2020!

Well I am exhausted...I think I'll take a quick break before going hard on some projects this new year.

Stay Tuned!


Monday, 28 December 2020

Let the Year End Come!!

Hello Once again all!

Less then a week until the end of the year and I still got some painting in me.  I'm SO CLOSE to finishing one thing I had planned to get done this year.  Finish the stuff I had prepped...well I still have a bunch of that to do...BUT! I'm almost done my Orcs.

With that said...

6 More Orcs painted and done!  That leaves 3 more to finish up....I'm so close to being done my unit of 40!  SO CLOSE!!

Okay so I have 3 more Orc to fact they are half done now.  Soon it will be complete and we can all bask in the painted glory!



Sunday, 20 December 2020

Twas the Night before....Something

Hello all!

Well The years is getting closer to the end....but the painting continues!  I'm going to keep this short and sweet as I am SO CLOSE to finishing a mini project.  I am of the excite!

So with that said...

5 More Orc boys!!!  I've been on hiatus with these guys but I am SO CLOSE to being done the 40 man (Orc) unit.  9 more to go on a unit I started all the way back in 2004.

So close all!


Sunday, 6 December 2020

Well, November flew by...

 Hello once again!

Well...November was a thing.  I'll admit I didn't really paint much.  But December is here and I am determined to finish my orcs!  So lets take a look at what I got done for November.

Two spider swarms....very very simply painted.  Honestly?  I put off painting these for so long because I just wasn't enthused about them.  So I kept it to a simple dry brush, quick and easy.

Now I haven't been super good at the whole "don't buy minis" thing.  But I kept splurging to a minimum and I treated myself to these bad boys!

I wanted these minis since I heard this was a game.  So I splurged and bought the rules and the Bleak Falls Barrow set.  I Also started getting them prepped!

3 Skyrim skeletons!  Nice models and fun to paint.  Just have to prep the last of the models in the box.  But they will come after my orcs!

So that's a total of 5 models for November making my total 100 for the year!  I'm SO CLOSE to beating my year total from last year.  Just have to buckle down and get it done!

Until next time.

- Commodus