Thursday, 25 November 2021

Getting in the Groove...

Hello once again!

So I'm back with more stuff to paint.  After taking a rather long break and only really doing terrain I need to get back into mini painting to clear off my new pile of minis.  So I decided to start on something that has been sitting on my table since 2008.

One Empire Warrior Priest!  Or in this case, my Arch lector that I bought for 7th Edition Warhammer that I never got around to painting.  Howevere. now my War Altar has a proper Arch Lector...or just regular Warrior Priest.  I have one more Warrior Priest model in a box...somewhere.  I'm sure I'll get to it eventually.

Next up....

Bones Goblins!  These are from the first Bones kickstarter from years ago.  There are 12 in total in the original kickstarter and I have now painted half of them.  6 more to get done...once again I just gotta find them.

Now I need to make a decision on what to paint next.  I have to finish a project, I just have to decide on what it will be.

Stay Tuned!


Thursday, 11 November 2021

Wow, Being Lazy but Making Progress!

Hello all once again!

Wow its been awhile since my last update.  In fact I intended this to be an "End of October" report, but that didn't turn out like I had planned.

With that said I didn't get many "models" done so much as I got a bunch of pieces of terrain completed and ready for the tabletop!  So lets take a look at what I got done in the last few months.

Bunch of Terrain!

So I've been trying to get a board filled with terrain for both Frostgrave and Rangers of Shadowdeep.  As well as for other skirmish games like Mordheim or Call to Arms.  I've made a lot of headway in the last 2 months and am almost ready to start a campaign!  Just got to get more forests done.  I have more coming but for now I have 17 more models painted and done!

Until Next time!


Thursday, 16 September 2021

Summer Is coming to a close...

Hello once again all!

I am back and ready to get my paint on!  I have a brand new pile of based minis to paint as well as a bunch of refresh projects I wanna get done.  So far this year my paint total has been stellar!  But there are a few other projects I wanna finish before I get to them...

I have been holding back on completing this Balrog for a long....LONG time.  Now I plan on getting it done.  Got to glue it together and  then Green stuff the gaps (of which there are a LOT).  IN addition I have to do one thing I am dreading...

The wing tip here is missing.  Its just how I got the mini when it was bought (for pretty cheap btw).  SO I'll have to do something I hate...sculpting with greenstuff.  Luckily this should be relatively easy to do...maybe.  We shall see how this all plays out!

Until next time!


Friday, 11 June 2021

June is Time of Rest

Hello once again!  

June has come and so has my summer halt.  I managed to get a ton done the first part of the year., but now it time to focus on the outdoors.  So for now lets take a look at the last stuff I managed to paint.

One Magister for my Tzeentch Chaos Warriors.  He was really easy to paint, although I do see some blotchy paint on it and I may have to go back with a few more layers to thin it all out.  But for now he's done!

Next up something I painted quick and dirty

Rat Swarms!  More to add to my D&D pile.  So adding these all together I only managed 6 this month.  For a grand yearly total of 96!  Almost my whole total from last year!

So now that summer is here I'll probably be on a hiatus...maybe one or two minis.  

Until next time!


Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Summer is coming...

Hello once again everyone!

So May has been a slow month.  I have been super busy not really wanting to paint much...but I still got it done!  Sat down this weekend and finally finished something on my desk.  So without further ado....

Three Ogre Bulls!  Adding them to my Empire army as Dogs of War, but wanted to change up the province they are from.  Mostly because I have been painting Averland since I started gaming and wanted to have a force with some variety for my Aver River Guard.

With that done only 3 so far this month.  But thats okay!  As I still have a pile to finish up.

Just this pile left to go in this batch!  Before I build a new pile of stuff....which I kind of already doing *Evil Grin*

Until next time!


Wednesday, 5 May 2021

Revenge of the 5th

Hello and happy May all!

So another month has come and gone and more painting has been done!  Lets take a quick look at what I managed to finish off this last month.

5 Wolf Riders!!!  I mean technically it's 4 Wolf Riders and One Goblin Big Boss but whos counting?  Honestly it feels more like I painted 10 models as I did the wolves and the riders separately.  However we'll count them as complete models since I can't really field them separately.

So with these guys done my total for the month of April comes too 21 models!  Not too shabby!  I'm already way ahead of my total from last year. and I'm inching closer to 100 and the year is not even half way done!

Lets see what's left on the table...

Still have this in my pile waiting to go.  Hopefully I can get it all done this month before I begin prepping my OTHER paint pile.

Till then!


Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Months End in Sight....Its Also Gotten Cold Again...

Hello all!

I'm back again continuing my paint cleaning journey.  So my desk pile is getting smaller and smaller although today I only managed one model all last week.  I had been dreading painting him for so long but after finishing him I wondered what I really feared.

So here he is!

One Pistolier Champion.  Technically an Outrider leading his young nobles to battle.  He came out well although I was worried more about the horse then him.  I generally hate painting horses but he came out good.

So only one this week, but my pile shrinks!

What's next?  We'll see!


Tuesday, 20 April 2021

April Painting Session Continues

Hello once again all!

So I'm back once more with more to show off.  Didn't really get a much done as I had intended mostly as I have been trying to remember my colour scheme for my latest batch of work.  So I tried a few things until I finally remembered how to do it!  SO without further ado...

5 Averland Handgunners!  I have sooo many Handgunners, and only about 20 painted.  These are the first gunners I've painted since I started playing Warhammer back in 2004.  I've come a long way since then....although I will have to go back and touch up my old models, a quick highlight and a wash should be enough.

So with those done I can focus on the rest of my current pile!

Slowly working through them, Outrider and wolves up next.

Stay Tuned!


Friday, 16 April 2021

Continued Adventures in Terrain!

Hello All!

Okay, I just realized that my last post that I actually finished 3 weeks ago wasn't published...because I forgot.

So I guess were getting more posts!  So here's the last stuff I finished and an update from my painting from last month.

10 more Azyrite Ruins!  Another bunch to add to my collection of Age of Sigmar terrain.  I forgot how annoying my colour scheme was to paint.  However with this box down I can get the scatter terrain box and on of the Sigmar dais as well.  That's for later to focus on my pile.

I have a bunch of stuff I want to get done.  This is the first group I want to pound out.  Hopefully I can get it done post haste!

Now for my monthly rundown.  Counting all the models I did last month I managed to complete 21 models!  I have a good monthly total so far.  As for my Yearly total, 69 models! (Nice)

I'm actually making good progress but I feel I need to focus more.  So after this pile I'm picking a project and focus firing on it....for awhile at least.

Stay Tuned!


Monday, 12 April 2021

Adventures in Terrain!

Hello once again!

So continuing what I started earlier this month I decided I need to eliminate some boxes I have taking up space on my floor....all over my floor in fact.  So continuing that lets take a look at another batch of terrain minis I managed to bang out!

Mantic Blacksmith set complete!  As well as doors of Moria and a random sign that was part of the GW Fence set I bought ages ago.  Also a random Bones treasure chest.  All get throw into my terrain box for later use!

With this box set finally done I can move on to another one...

One box of Azyrite Ruins!  I already finished the ruins set that came with my Blasted Hallowheart box.  So I already have a colour scheme.  My plan is to get a box of each of the cityscape.  After this one I'll need the Townscape or perhaps the Bell ruins that came with Warcry...maybe even the scatter terrain!

Anyway I washed and filed off the mold lines.  Now to assemble and base coat!

Stay Tuned!


Wednesday, 17 March 2021

March Mostly I Even Painting?

Hello all!

I am back!  Honestly been a slow month compared to the last 2 but I have been working on stuff.  Nothing too big but I have been clearing off some stuff I have taking up space since last March.  So without further ado...

Bunch of D&D terrain!  The minis themselves aren't super big but having these blisters taking up space is now no longer an issue.  13 Models down and more in the pipeline.  Speaking of Pipeline...

I have a few more pieces of scatter I want to get done.  One Mantic Blacksmith set as well as Doors to Moria and some treasure!  Once done I can move on to something bigger.

Stay Tuned!


Monday, 8 March 2021

Little Late for an Update this far in March...

Hello once again all!

So February came and went and so did the painting I had planned to get done...and by that I mean not much.  February was very much a "rest" month.  I did manage to get a decent amount done however.  Specifically ending with these boys.

5 More Conan Mummies!  With these guys done I finished the last batch of Mummies for my Conan board game,  Still have a bunch to finish in the box, but at least I'm making progress.  Next up is 15 Skeletons but they will have to wait.

So my total for February comes to 23.  Honestly?  Not too bad considering.  Now I decided I'm going to focus on Terrain.  I have a bunch I want done and off my table so that's where March is taking me.

Stay Tuned!


Wednesday, 24 February 2021

Moving Ever Forward!

Hello once again all!

So here I am working through another paint pile hoping to see the end...but knowing it will never come.  So with that said lets take a look at what I managed to finish over the weekend!

Five Mummies for my Conan adventure game!  I still have 5 more Mummies to paint and I wasn't sure HOW I wanted to paint them.  Took awhile for me to settle on this but I'm glad I did.  I wanted them too look less "Sickly" dead and more "Old" dead.  I think it worked.

So 5 more done and 5 more on the way!

Stay Tuned!


Sunday, 14 February 2021

Valentines Day Painting!

Hello all!

Happy Valentines day!  Been awhile since I updated as it has been slow going as I paint.  However I duid get some stuff done, so lets take a look.

One Cannon crew, stripped and repainted to fit my newly revitalized Empire army.  They've been sitting around for awhile but now are done!

Next up another repaint

10 Mercenary Averland crossbowmen.  Not fully stripped of paint but repainted to enhance the colour as well as rebase them and I also made a movement tray.  Adding these guys to my Empire army so I can have a proper force to fight my Orcs.

So in total 13 models painted!  A good show if I do say so myself.  Now I have other stuff on my pile to paint but while that is happening, I have to prepare more models for my army.

5 more models to strip! Stay Tuned!


Tuesday, 2 February 2021

January painting continues....slowly...into February

Hello once again all!

I continue to work through my pile of "prep" models.  Didn't get too many done this week but I did finish the last one I need to complete 1000pts of Orcs and Goblins!  So without further ado...

Four Snotling bases!  Of course, Snotlings suck...oh they suck so hard.  Even compared to other swarms Snots are bad.

Now I had planned on posting this blog post last week, but I got distracted and didn't get around to hitting "publish" lets show what else I did.

More terrain for my gaming board!  I super love this model.  It's 3d printed and I am definitely getting more from this set.  I didn't go to crazy, just wanted to make sure it matched all my other Terrain.

With that said...

A pile of barrels and crates to add to my terrain!  Okay these aren't the biggest models I still count them.  Especially since the house took so damn long!

So thats 20 more models added for a total for 25 models for January!  Great start!

Stay Tuned!


Monday, 18 January 2021

Let's Start Painting in the New Year!

Hello and Happy 2021!

So I'm back and ready for the new year!  So It's been a slow start to the year but that doesn't mean I not painting!  I've continued to finish up my prep pile with 5 more minis done.  So lets take a look!

One Apprentice for my Frostgrave Warband!  Pretty straight forward model.  He was fun to paint although I wish I had done the highlights on the staff better.  Oh well!  He is done and ready to adventure.

Next up!  as the rest of you look at blogs online...

the Draugr were training!  All the monsters from the Bleak Falls Barrow set are now done.  All that is left is the Dragonborn and I can then go on and purchase the next box set for this game.  Not sure If I'll go Imperial or Stormcloak...we shall see!

Stay Tuned!
