Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Summer is coming...

Hello once again everyone!

So May has been a slow month.  I have been super busy not really wanting to paint much...but I still got it done!  Sat down this weekend and finally finished something on my desk.  So without further ado....

Three Ogre Bulls!  Adding them to my Empire army as Dogs of War, but wanted to change up the province they are from.  Mostly because I have been painting Averland since I started gaming and wanted to have a force with some variety for my Aver River Guard.

With that done only 3 so far this month.  But thats okay!  As I still have a pile to finish up.

Just this pile left to go in this batch!  Before I build a new pile of stuff....which I kind of already doing *Evil Grin*

Until next time!


Wednesday, 5 May 2021

Revenge of the 5th

Hello and happy May all!

So another month has come and gone and more painting has been done!  Lets take a quick look at what I managed to finish off this last month.

5 Wolf Riders!!!  I mean technically it's 4 Wolf Riders and One Goblin Big Boss but whos counting?  Honestly it feels more like I painted 10 models as I did the wolves and the riders separately.  However we'll count them as complete models since I can't really field them separately.

So with these guys done my total for the month of April comes too 21 models!  Not too shabby!  I'm already way ahead of my total from last year. and I'm inching closer to 100 and the year is not even half way done!

Lets see what's left on the table...

Still have this in my pile waiting to go.  Hopefully I can get it all done this month before I begin prepping my OTHER paint pile.

Till then!
