Thursday, 25 November 2021

Getting in the Groove...

Hello once again!

So I'm back with more stuff to paint.  After taking a rather long break and only really doing terrain I need to get back into mini painting to clear off my new pile of minis.  So I decided to start on something that has been sitting on my table since 2008.

One Empire Warrior Priest!  Or in this case, my Arch lector that I bought for 7th Edition Warhammer that I never got around to painting.  Howevere. now my War Altar has a proper Arch Lector...or just regular Warrior Priest.  I have one more Warrior Priest model in a box...somewhere.  I'm sure I'll get to it eventually.

Next up....

Bones Goblins!  These are from the first Bones kickstarter from years ago.  There are 12 in total in the original kickstarter and I have now painted half of them.  6 more to get done...once again I just gotta find them.

Now I need to make a decision on what to paint next.  I have to finish a project, I just have to decide on what it will be.

Stay Tuned!


Thursday, 11 November 2021

Wow, Being Lazy but Making Progress!

Hello all once again!

Wow its been awhile since my last update.  In fact I intended this to be an "End of October" report, but that didn't turn out like I had planned.

With that said I didn't get many "models" done so much as I got a bunch of pieces of terrain completed and ready for the tabletop!  So lets take a look at what I got done in the last few months.

Bunch of Terrain!

So I've been trying to get a board filled with terrain for both Frostgrave and Rangers of Shadowdeep.  As well as for other skirmish games like Mordheim or Call to Arms.  I've made a lot of headway in the last 2 months and am almost ready to start a campaign!  Just got to get more forests done.  I have more coming but for now I have 17 more models painted and done!

Until Next time!
