Hello once again all!
So I didn't update much last month, but that doesn't mean that I haven't been busy getting things painted! I actually managed to get a bunch done on two separate projects. So lets see what I managed to paint!
Four more Stormcast Liberators! When added with Steelheart I have another unit of five. Now I just need to put together the last 5 Liberators I have for a whole Unit of 10. But that will have to wait as I have other things I'm working on now.
Now one more entry for this month.
My last three Bones 1 Kickstarter Kobolds. I now have a full 12 painted up and out of my Bones bin. Nothing real special for these guys but I am running out of space on my D&D Shelf in my display case...
So in total for February I managed to paint 12 models! Pretty good if I do say so myself. I have one more random model i want to paint before I continue with the last models I need for my Stormcast 1000pts.
Until then!