Wednesday, 25 January 2023

First Models of the Year!

Hello all!

I'm back in the groove and working on finishing some projects.  First one up is going to be my Orc and Goblin Army.  I am VERY close to getting a solid 1000pts painted and ready.  Only a handful of things left to get that done and ready.

So lets take a look at what I finished!

10 more Orc boys!  Now I know after I finished my big unit of 40 I swore to never paint another Orc...but I decided to split my Unit of 40 into two units of 25.  That meant I needed 10 more and low and behold I found a cheap lot on Ebay and here we are!

Fully based and Magnetized!  So a bit of a slow start to the year buy 10 models done!

So on to my next model!  Stay Tuned!


Wednesday, 4 January 2023

Happy New Year! Very late recap of my Year-to-Date Progress!

Hello all!'s been quite a year.  I know I haven't really posted anything for months and months.  I have a very good reason for that.  Mostly health related sadly.  While I did manage to get some painting done I never really felt the need to update, but I figured I had best start the year off right!

So for now I'm going to show off everything I did manage to paint in that time so you can all see I wasn't being super lazy!

Starting with stuff I did over the summer

Several more Rats to add to my Warband!  Got many more lying around but Lets put them aside for now and keep trucking on!

Finished up some random Warhammer Fantasy minis I had based but not painted on my desk!  In addition I finished some units!

Completed a few units for my Empire army....but bought a whole bunch more to add!

Also finished a bunch of random models for D&D and AOS!  Could be used in a variety of Skirmish games as well!

Lastly I also managed to complete a handful of terrain as well!

So all and all I did manage to get a bunch done this year...but by my count only around 54 models...Less then half of what I did last year.

HOWEVER, I am still glad I managed what I did and I hope to actually get a few projects done this month and help to recover.

So until I post again!
