Hello once again all!
I'm back once again. The weather is cold and I got no place to go....which means painting! So I started off this year with a few projects I want to finally get done...so here it goes!
My General! Commodus Leitdorf! The Last Elector of Averland. He's been technically painted this whole time, but he was always kind of flat. So I washed and highlighted him and am VERY happy with how he came out. The yellow came out nice and bright and not patchy like many other models.
Now for something that has been half done for about 10 years now...
Finally glad to get this unit out of the way so I can get other things done....
6 Pistoliers! Now mind you I had painted the unit champion last year...so technically only 5 were painted...and even then it was mostly a refresh with washes and shading. But it worked! All done!
Now for one more....
So 37 models is a great way to start the year....going forward I may have other stuff in the works...
Stay tuned!
- Commodus