Saturday, 16 November 2024

November Painting DASH!

 Hello once again all!

So I'd thought I'd just share something I have been working on in the background.  Over the Summer while I wasn't painting all that much I have been collecting.  Specifically a Dwarf army!

Now this army was suppose to be a 6th Edition all Metal Dwarf army.  But after some calculations I determined I CAN make it an Old World army....soooo

The Great Throng of Karak Azul!  Lead by King Kazador himself!

Now I know its not painted...Well mostly not painted, but it is in good enough condition that I CAN game with it.  Now I know I was going to do a Wood Elf army but this inspired me much more so I went all in.

Here are the first 6 Dwarf Longbeards.  I'd say they came out pretty well!  Super easy to paint too.  These were mostly test models for the colour scheme.  Karak Azul doesn't really have a specific colour scheme from anything I can find in the Wiki.  However Total War: Warhammer 3 Wiki has a Blue/Gold colours they use for it so I went that route.

So 6 more models in the done pile....but now I'm skipping off to another project before coming back to this one.  I hope to have it done pretty quickly (It's only going to be 10 models anyway)  Then who knows!

- Commodus

Tuesday, 5 November 2024

Summer is at an End....time to PAINT

 Hello once again all!

Summer is now over, Autumn is in the air.  It is starting to get colder....which means its now cool enough to basecoat!  So as always I spent my Summer months doing anything else than be hunched over a paint desk in my horribly humid house.

Now it is time to how off just a little of what I have been working on in my spare time.  So without further ado...

30 Flagellants with a Prophet of Doom!

I'd been planning this unit for a good long while. Over the summer when I was not painting I was all over Ebay trying to find the Minis I was missing to complete the unit.  Now it is here.

I retired my old Warrior Priest and made him a Prophet of Doom as his esthetic matched the Flagellants much better that any other model.  I put a Banner bearer in the unit because this unit can dual use for Old World and not just 6th Edition.

Well 30 more models done after a long, lazy summer.  Whats next?  Wait and see!
