Thursday 5 December 2019

November Done! Am I at 100 yet?

Hello once again all!

So November came and went and I did not paint no where near as much as I would have liked.  But I did get SOMETHING done!  I had a week off to work on it and I only got 25% of what I wanted done, done.  But I did manage to finish a unit.

So Without further ado!

A complete 10 man unit for my Cities of Sigmar army!  Ready to lead the forces of the Averholme out to battle!

Okay they took much longer then I intended mostly because I forgot how annoying painting these metal minis was.  Despite that however, they are now done!  So, not including the one model I painted as a test I can add 9 more minis to my complete pile taking my total for the year to 102 Models!

I broke 100!  and I still have most of December to spare!  Guess I'll have to keep adding to my Cities of Sigmar army...

One Freeguild General in the Pipeline!

Stay tuned!


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