Hello once again!
So I had planned to get SO MUCH DONE in the month of February!!!!
...That did not happen. Turns out what I decided to paint was much harder than I thought. So with that said...
Five Inner Circle Arc Knights of Averland! Bodyguard of House Leitdorf.
Now this unit has been base coated and sitting in a box since 2008. I had taken them to a tournament, the last tournament for Warhammer Fantasy I had gone too, back then. I came in 3rd with the plans of finishing this unit.
Of course I instead but them in a box and forgot about them. However now they are done! Now just to get a movement tray for them. Also figure out how to get them glued to the horses. So far I'm using sticky tack as their legs keep getting into the way. Oh well, we shall see.
So I guess for February I only managed 5 models. Hopefully more next month!