Tuesday, 11 February 2025

January Painting! What the Hell did I do?

Hello once again!

So end of the month and time to look at what I managed to get done.  Granted, due to some sickness and general real life getting in the way...not as much as I would have liked.  HOWEVER!  I still got stuff done so lets take a look!

First lets start with this piece of Dungeon terrain.  The Rack!  I have a pile of blisters that I decided I need to get through so here's just one I got done.  But along with this...

One Iron Maiden and two Mines for my Kill Team.  The Iron Maiden was easy enough, mostly just wash and drybrush.  The Mines were the last two pieces for my Kill Team box.  So that is 100% done!

Now what else did I finish?

3 Osgiliath Veterans!  I know, I haven't painted any Lord of the Rings models in a good long while.  But I had bought these and decided to just get them done ASAP.  So, here they are!

Now for an update on my Empire army...

These are my Knights I would have painted back in 2005, when I had just started getting into Warhammer.  Honestly, these were a pretty simplistically done and not super great but were a good base coat. Now however...

My Arc Knights of Averland!  Beyond the banner it was all mostly just washes and highlights.  Its kinda tough to Highlight metal but I did my best and here we are.

So in total I managed to paint/repaint 12 models.  Not much but a great start!

- Commodus

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